When there is a lesbian couple but one is dressed as a man, aren’t they just trying to be a straight couple?


The other day i wore a tie bc I was TRYING to be a boy.

Then I was listening to Nicki Minaj bc I was TRYING TO BE BLACK.

After that I was eating some tacos bc I JUST WANT TO BE MEXICAN.

What is complicated about human beings is that, in this relationship you speak of, one of the couple may be attracted to the curves of the other, as accentuated by the large belt buckle and crisp, buttoned down shirt that those curves are housed within. There’s a ton of trouble in even calling one thing ‘masculine’ and another thing ‘feminine,’ but for the sake of brevity, let me just say that – for most of us – it is how those aspects of another individual interact with each other that attract us to them, not the fact that they are EXCLUSIVELY female/feminine or male/masculine.

The short answer, is no, it is most unlikely that these lesbians are ‘trying to be a straight couple.’

The more complicated answer is that, in a sense, perhaps there are elements of their relationship that play with notions of masculine and feminine – just as there are elements of imagining and play and fantasy in every relationship, ever. That doesn’t boil down to one of them ‘trying to be a boy,’ or both of them ‘trying to be straight.’ You cannot boil down sexuality to it’s simplest bits and call it a day. We are all much too complex for such nonsense.

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